Welcome to DBTD and a couple snapshots of what I'm working on

March 31, 2017

Hey y'all! It's Christina and the dolls in Dolls by the Dozen. 

Welcome! I hope you will enjoy my blog . I will post once every week (probably on Fridays or Saturdays), and once a month I will post twice a week. That is 5 posts a month, so not a lot, but I plan to be on here for 6 months to a year! This is my first time sharing photos with others, so please give helpful feedback on the quality of the photos and my posts. If  my photos are bad quality, don't feel bad to point it out. I would love it if you commented just to say hi! Anyways, I promised you some snapshots of my work, so here they are!

Meet the Dolls:

  • Full Name:  Lanee
  • Nickname:  Lane
  • Birthday: September 14
  • Age: 12
  • Personality:  Lane is quite loyal and welcoming, but she’s a bit sassy and secretive (because of her secret career)
  • Hobbies: Acting, reading, writing.
  • Favorite color: Hot Pink!
  • Favorite book: YOU WANT ME TO PICK A FAVORITE?
  • Where you'll find her: Lane is in the library reading fairy tales or writing a new movie script.
  • Awesome fact: She’s in the middle of the older 3!
  • Interesting Fact: She‘s actually an writer for famous movie script
  • When she grows up: In a few years, you'll see Lane singing, dancing, and acting on Broadway
  • Room tours:


This is the main storage center of the classroom. Special eraser prizes are  in the jar on the right side. A nurse doll and a trash and a portable trash can go on the left side, and the above storage cubes hold fabric and balls. Notepads and activities go on the very top.


and Photoshoots/Photostories:


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